Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little Christmas Joy . . .

I haven't been feeling very well since Thanksgiving so it's been tough for me to keep up the Christmas-hectic pace that I am used to. I am having to let a lot of stuff go, but it hasn't bothered me too much as it just means the season is more simple.

In the midst of sinus headaches and a Texas Trash mini-disaster when I started my baking, I have had a lot of moments of pure joy with my kids. They are warming to the Jesse tree and our short devotional time together. We have to double up a lot when our schedules get the best of us, but the whole experience is making me want to find some other family devotional guide to do throughout the year. It's too much to think about an every night kind of a thing, but maybe we could commit to three times per week. It's something to consider.

Last week, I noticed that Scooter had suddenly stopped asking me to sing certain Christmas carols over and over and was singing them himself. I love listening to him and I finally got him to stand still so I could record this:

It's kind of repetitive and he misses a bunch of words, but I love it. After I stopped taping he said 'wait, I forgot a part' and had me record this:

Okay, the embed didn't work so try this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ERlZRPiS4A&feature=g-upl

It's basically just him adding the 'making a list' part for 11 seconds then he's done.

Is there anything sweeter than that? By the way, the red blob on his face is a 'bear' that he got at school. I was kind of confused when he came out the door with red all over him, especially when I didn't see anyone else with a painted face in his class. Turns out it was a reward and he received the privilege of getting his face painted in the cafeteria by some high school kids with other children throughout the school who had been on their best behavior that day. 'I got to go do it because I was quiet and was working hard.' He told me they wanted to make his whole face a bear, but he only wanted one side done. I was shocked that he let a stranger into his personal space and a brush with paint near his face. That certainly has never happened before. I told him I was super proud of his effort to be more brave. He said it just tickled, it didn't hurt.

Since I haven't been feeling good, my sweet Tyler has stepped up quite a bit to help me. He keeps telling me to lay down and get some rest and he'll watch 'the kids'. It's so sweet, but it's usually around the time I need to be doing something for dinner. On Sunday afternoon, he saved me by manning the cookie press machine and squirting out the dough shapes for our favorite spritz cookies. Scooter did the sprinkles and I only had to rotate pans in and out of the oven and cookies to the cooling racks. Last night he offered to make me tea and brought me a steaming cup while I chilled out on the couch. He can be so thoughtful, and I am so grateful for his big, gentle heart. We are enjoying listening to him practice Christmas songs on his violin also in preparation for the winter concert this week. Aunt Asheley got to hear him through the phone the other night and was overwhelmed with his progress. She's anxious to hear it in person this week.

Riley surprised me today too. I sneezed on our way to MC and I suddenly heard 'Bless You Mama' from the backseat. I am pretty sure that was the first time he exhibited that kind of spontaneous concern despite being pretty good about pleases and thank you's on a normal basis. He is super loving and caring, but this is the first real evidence of a thoughtfulness without prompting, at least that I can think of. Anyway, it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. He's very pleased that his daddy finally figured out our tree topper issue last night and there is a lighted star on the tree. He had asked me about it every single day. And now that cookies are in the house, he has been asking me for a 'cookie break'.

Each boy (including Daddy) received a personalized video message from Santa on Friday. They were so cute to watch as they were surprised by Santa's knowledge of their lives. Riley nodded along with everything Santa said and even Tyler's eyes lit up at some of the details Santa knew. That was a fun day! Luckily, everyone was on the 'nice' list so far. Shew! What a relief!

I sure love these guys. I finally got our Christmas card together and printed yesterday so hopefully most of you will get to see their smiling faces in your mailboxes pretty soon and if you don't it's because I don't have your address. We are looking forward to our big annual cookie decorating party this weekend and thanks to some powerful meds, I might just find some energy and get the cookies made in time. I might even be done with everything but wrapping by the time the kids are out of school for their break next week, or at least by Monday or Tuesday. I hope so. I would love to just have a few days to lay around and watch movies with them and play some games. You know, while we munch on cookies and trash!

Hope your holiday preparations are going well and that you are finding time to enjoy those that are most precious in your life!

God Bless!

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