Friday, January 21, 2011

I might have lost my temper . . .

I'll try and make this quick because I'm getting my hair done today - yay!

I'll admit it wasn't my finest moment. The top flew off of my head and not very nice words flew out at lightning speed. The nasty hormone demons are visiting my house today and they tend to remove any filter I have on a normal day and that doesn't even take into account how they decimate my patience.

But really! I was annoyed. At Tyler. Right before school. It began when I realized that even though I had asked him specifically (again) to get his homework signed and bag packed last night, he had completely ignored me (again) and told me 'I will in a minute' 10 times so he had to add that to his morning routine. Then he realized that he has misplaced his Thursday folder, either on the bus or somewhere along his walking-home route. Next he suddenly combusted by the pantry because he couldn't find syrup for the waffle he was making and when I said 'we ran out on Wednesday' he cried out 'WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!!???!!!' like I was a moron because I didn't share this piece of breaking, hard core news with him immediately. He threw away the waffle and decided on toast, just as he realized that there were only 2 pieces of bread left and he needed one for his sandwich. When I quickly removed a piece from the toaster for his sandwich, he got all pissy and decided he didn't want toast. But he was out of time now and there was not the 15 minute stretch he needs for cereal. A whole lot of attitude ensued, culminating in something thrown at me that sounded a lot like 'FINE, I JUST WON'T EAT ANYTHING ALL DAY!'.

Patience gone. Filter gone. I went off and basically told him I was sick of being b---d at for what was NOT in the pantry, especially when there are about 10 healthy breakfast choices for him available.

In my defense - the pantry is so full right now that it threatens to spill on the kitchen floor when you open the door. It's the one re-organization project for the new year that I haven't gotten to yet. I have gotten really good at shopping for my family and when I did BIG grocery shopping just after Christmas, I spent just over $300 and we are still stocked up on almost all of our staples less milk, bread and minute rice which I have to buy constantly. There's plenty of meat, sides, veggies, snacks, lunch stuff, etc. I can't help it that we ran out of syrup and I knew the bread was low, but I also knew we had just enough to get us through today when I would be shopping again.

I also can't do anything about the fact that every time Tyler actually shops with me and picks a cereal out, he then decides that isn't the one he really wants to eat this month. That's all him. Or the fact that he takes an ever lengthening shower time so his hour of morning prep gets less and less sufficient for him. Nagging, prodding and yelling aren't working. If he runs out of time for breakfast (he CHOOSES to make this the last thing on his to-do list in the morning) then he is going to have to learn to get up earlier or prioritize better. I cannot do this for him. He knows what needs to get done every morning and he knows how much time he has, which is about 30 minutes more than he should actually need to get it done.

I'm just tired of feeling like I never have the right thing for him. He complained last night that we had no snacks, but what he really meant was that we had no popcorn left because he and Riley have eaten it all, we had no chocolate because I refuse to buy any while there is still Christmas candy lingering, we had no chips because he had to save the last little bag for his lunch today and he and Scott had depleted the last bag of tortilla chips the night before. What we did have was plentiful, but he wasn't in the mood. He talked me into these Veggie Straw things at Sam's last month, then ate a few twice and left the bag alone. It's still 2/3 full. He should snack on that! But Heaven forbid I suggest it, because then it's out of the question. Same goes for the 2 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios that he selected. Not interested as soon as I say 'Have some cheerios!'. You get the picture. And it's harder because he is literally hungry every 5 minutes thanks to this huge growth spurt thing.

Can you say SPOILED? Anyway, I blew up. He got mad. My rant woke 2 munchkins that would have slept another hour. My morning is shot. He left for school in a crappy mood. We did kind of make up and he did come back in the house to kiss me goodbye after his initial 'I'll wait in the car!' storm out. We'll be fine. I'll shop. After I get my hair done. Which will improve my mood considerably. And then we are going to have a long talk about respect and expectations and about eating what's available.

'nuff said. Have a great one and God Bless!


  1. That happens at my house even when hormones aren't involved. I'm just waiting for the teachers to call us in for a conference because Natalie keeps saying not so nice words she hears from us... or TV. (The other night I walked in just in time to hear her say a bad word... that she heard 2 seconds before while watching American Dad on Keith's phone. She can turn his phone on, find the Netflix app, scroll to American Dad and find the episode she wants to watch. We are SO in trouble!)

    Hmmm... I think I know why you keep me around now. No matter what you're going through with your 3, I can make you feel better because my 1 is doing it much worse... hearing bad words, bedtime, etc. :)

  2. Eeerrrrrrrggggghhhh. This is such a tough age! And I thought age 3 was bad! I have so been there. I've found an apology for losing it goes a long way, and usually I get an apology in return. Enjoy your hair day (sounds like you need it after "blowing your top" hee-hee! that leaves messy hair!), go to the store, give him a hug when he gets home...and stick to your guns. You're a GREAT mom, and I love getting able to walk alongside you - even if it's over the internet. :)

  3. Heather,
    I too have been havin lots of issues caused by his attitude lately. I know he is growing up and is probably going through some "hormonal" problems as well. It's tough transitioning from boy to teenager. I think we just have to be firm which is what it sounds like you are doing. I commend you on your choice to let him suffer the consequences of his actions or lack thereof! We just have to try and get him to understand that life throws us curveballs and we have to adapt and overcome. It's all about how you deal with it when they are thrown. I have noticed that he does not like challenging situations that take him out of his routine. If we make a plan and it somehow gets altered or we have to change it to something else on the spot his world falls apart. I too have decided it best to just let him see that if he does not adapt to the situation then it's his lost. For example when he is told he can get something at the store but picks out something that's about ten dollars more. I tell him nothing that expensive and he decides he will get nothing instead of pick something more affordable. Anyway, I am rambling and I know that it's tougher for you and Scotty because he spends the majority of his time with you guys. I will help in any way I can though. At his core he is a great kid and makes me proud to be his dad!
