After MOPS and work yesterday, Riley cheerfully informed me on the way home that 'Jesus was a Baby'. Two seconds later he asked me WHY Jesus was a baby. I briefly explained in a simple way why Jesus had to be born like everyone else. Riley kept talking and doing quite a bit of free association. Basically he came up with the firm facts that even though his dad and I had been a baby once, we weren't babies when he was a baby because someone had to take care of him and that was our job. That's when the conversation took a turn to the hysterical.
It went something like this:
Riley - Momma, I was borned in your tummy.
Me - Yeah, you grew in my tummy and then you were born.
Riley - I grew in your tummy?
Me - Yes, and you didn't have much room so you kicked me a lot.
Riley - I did??
Me - Yep
Riley - Then I came out. That's becuzzzz I made a hole in your tummy and got out.
Me - Silence, because what exactly do you say to that?
Riley - I made a hole in your tummy to get out and then God fixed it.
Me - Okay
Riley - That's becuzzzzz God can do that.
Me - Yep, God can do just about anything
Riley - Yeah, I made a hole and God fixed it becuzzz he really, really can do that.
Me - Pause to order our lunch
Riley - Momma - I didn't make a whole in your tummy. I really didn't.
Me - No?
Riley - No, that's becuzzz I got out of your tummy from the door.
Me - The door? There's a door to my tummy?
Riley - Yesssss, that's becuzzz all tummies have a door.
Me - And that's how you got out? Through the door?
Riley - Yeah, cuz all tummies have a door, but I had to follow the path.
Me - The path? There was a path? (pause to keep myself from laughing too hard)
Riley - Momma, I follow the path to get out the door.
Me - Were you worried about taking a wrong turn? (Don't think he got that I was smiling and trying not to laugh here)
Riley - Yessss, that's becuzzz I saw all the signs that said Riley and I went that way on the path. The food doesn't go that way.
Me - It doesn't?
Riley - No, the food has a path and I saw all the Riley stuff to go on the path and get out the door.
Me - Ooooohhhhh, so that's how it works.
Riley - Yes. Momma, were you in my tummy too?
Me - No, I was in Grandma's tummy.
Riley - Oh, so you went out Grandma's door.
Me - Uh, yeah.
Riley - That's becuzzzz all the people are babies and go through the door.
Me - Yes, everyone starts out as a baby.
Riley - Like Jesus. He was a baby too. And SANTA!!!! Santa was a baby. (he's watched 'Santa Claus is coming to Town' about 20 times already) And Jesus was a baby.
Me - Everyone was once a baby.
Riley - Yes. That's becuzzzz Jesus is my friend. MOMMA - Jesus is my BEST FRIEND!
Me - That's wonderful Riley, he's my best friend too.
Last night, at bedtime, Scooter decided that playing the 'copy' game was the funniest thing ever. Especially because Riley kept telling him to be quiet and saying 'it's not me, it's him!' which made it sound like Scooter was saying those same things to Riley. The copy game is one of my least favorite and I don't know where Scooter learned it from. I keep trying to explain to Riley that the only way he can stop it is to not say anything at all, but Riley doesn't know how to do that. Scooter tried again this morning on the way to school and the 'Scooter stop saying what I'm saying!' and 'Stop That' comments were escalating pretty quickly. I am kinda hoping that ignoring Scooter will make this go away, but it's doubtful.
We are currently having 2 swim lessons per week to make up for some sick days and we had a lesson yesterday afternoon. The teacher, Ms. Paige, didn't let my kids even think about trying goggles for a long time since they were so apprehensive about going under. She wants to get them over that and also wants them to know that they can swim without in case they were to fall in somewhere. The last two weeks she has let Riley try goggles and even though he often opens his eyes without under water, he kept clenching his eyes closed with the goggles on. He finally got it and thought it was totally 'AWESUMMMMM!' that he could see the ring on the step he was going under to find. We tried with Scooter, but he was apprehensive about something new on his face. Ms. Paige asked for my permission to push him and after I said yes, she calmly worked with him for a while, insisting he look at her eyes while she soothed his fears and stayed firm. She kept telling him that she knew new things made him nervous but they were going to work through it. Five minutes later he wore the goggles a few times, but didn't open his eyes with them. He did seem to like not wiping his eyes off, but would immediately pull the goggles off of his face. He'll get it eventually, he now thinks it's fun to go under whenever he wants, without being prompted. I love Ms. Paige and how much she loves my kids, especially Scooter. Last week she had a young helper who Scooter wouldn't even look at (since he had never seen her before). When she tried to take Scooter for a dip, he refused and Ms. Paige came and got him. She told the assistant 'Scooter is just Scooter, it'll take him a few times before he will want to go to you.' I love that she gets him like so many people don't. When he gets stressed because she pushes him, she then lets him ride on her back through the pool while she works with the other kids and she keeps up a steady calm conversation with him the whole time. He doesn't have time to get shy with her or clam up because she totally gets what makes him tick and keeps working with him.
St. Nick visited our house in the night and Riley and Scooter were pretty excited to find stockings full of candy and 2 toys each this morning. Tyler knew the day was coming and was slightly disappointed with his toy items. I pulled him aside and let him know that St. Nick was having a hard time finding small, inexpensive items for an almost 12 year old that would fit in a stocking. Could he please show some enthusiasm for his brothers sake and remember that this particular event is more about the little kids than pre-teens? He agreed and then actually got super motivated when he opened his CARS themed Pez machine and discovered that the car actually worked. He then helped Scooter and Riley break into theirs and have a couple races to the Christmas tree before we piled into the car for school. I guess there's still a little bit of little boy hiding in there after all.
Riley watches Scooter struggle to go in the door for school every morning. He often asks me about it and says 'Well, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna go in!' This morning when we made the last turn onto the street for school, I heard something wonderful. Riley said 'Scooter, you just gotta say 'I CAN DO IT!' At first I thought they were still talking about the cars on their Pez dispensers, but then he said 'You just gotta walk right in.' How awesome is that? My littlest guy learning how to encourage his brother? Scooter tried to change the subject or didn't hear him and I said, 'Scooter - Riley is trying to encourage you.' Riley said 'Yes! You just say 'I CAN DO IT' like Miss Paige says.' It didn't actually work and I had to push him through the door like usual, but maybe it'll sink in eventually.
Decorating is done, except there is still no topper on the tree and I have to glue-gun some stuff back on to two of my wreaths. All the groceries are bought for baking and projects. Dad lent me 3 of my favorite Christmas albums so that I can sing through all my prep. The Jesse tree is going smoothly and we are starting to get pretty pumped about the holiday. It is just going so fast already. I wanted to sit and think for a second about my kids and who they are before I get bogged down with the rest of this month again!
Hope your holiday prep is moving along smoothly!
Thanks and God Bless!
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