I wish right now that the gnomes had not stolen and hid my USB cable for my camera. I wish that I could snap a photo of my munchkins and post it here for you. Scooter is running around in a wife beater that is slightly too small for him, wearing his favorite jeans that don't just have belt loops but the extra loops for tools, etc., a belt that he doesn't need but makes him feel like he's a true jedi because they all wear belts, a utility hook that helps him hang a light saber from his waist and carrying around a star wars blaster gun. Riley is dutifully following him around with a blanket as a jedi cape, a Chewbacca tshirt and a red glove on one hand because for some reason a running theme in the Star Wars movies is to cut off people's hands and replace them with robotic ones that must be covered in a glove.
The cutest part though, is not how they look, it's what they sound like. As they run around the house fighting the bad guys, they are intermittently coming to the kitchen table to munch on dry cereal for breakfast and giving me an earful. The conversation this morning is mostly centered around light sabers, who has what kind and what they do with them. Scooter just told me that he and Riley fight bad guys better than the people with light sabers in the movies and they could really help if they could just be there. He also wants to try and find a real light saber instead of the play ones we have at home. He has the idea that if he could jump into the movies, someone would give him their real light saber and he could bring it back home.
The boys woke early this morning and immediately found one of their favorite books, Tyler's STAR WARS encyclopedia. It's a full color guide to every character you could think of in all 6 movies, even the ones you never knew had names. They page through together telling each other everything they know and don't know about the characters. The conversation turns to when we are going to see Matthew when this baby is born and Riley announces that he is going to show Uncle Matthew his new green light saber.
Scooter told us at dinner the other night that he was worried about Matthew and that he didn't think he could hold his new baby. Why? Because you have to be very careful holding little babies and Matthew lost all his balance. Whenever Matthew holds him and Riley, he just falls over on a bed or something, he doesn't have any balance. It didn't occur to Scooter that Matthew is just playing with them, he must be just clumsy. I don't know how he's gonna get his balance back mama, but we need to help him.
Scooter told Riley that when we go to Austin, there would just be a few bad guys to fight, but they could do it. He thinks Matthew might tickle them. He wants to pack his bag now with all their weapons, but it would be unpacked five minutes later so they could fight again.
They asked about their halloween costumes, when they were coming and why it was taking so long (I ordered them 2 days ago, no patience for the mail!). We looked up the tracking info on the computer, 2 boys perched on my lap while I tried to work the mouse and keyboard. Satisfied, they wandered to the back of the house to watch Luke rescue Han Solo from Jabba's clutches once again.
These are the mornings that I love. Mornings that everyone wakes up in a good mood and they play nice together. I love listening to the boys talk to eachother and plot together and play. There's nothing thrilling about the day, nothing exciting or unusual happening, but everyone is home and happy and comfortable running around in their pjs or their makeshift costumes for the morning. I have a hard time ruining these days by making everyone get dressed and get out the door. I need to go to work sometime today, but it's hard to make myself upset the balance.
These are the days that I don't care about not having adults to speak to all day. I don't really care if my life revolves around cheerios, star wars, potty training and ABC's. I don't think about what I am missing being at home or what I don't have money to do because I am not working. I just love that I am here. I am not missing anything with my kids which is the best part of the job I have right now. And even though Scott has to run off to work and isn't here to see every one of these moments, I can tell him about them which is better than missing everything because the day care teachers got to enjoy it all.
Sitting in my pj's, sipping my coffee, enjoying the morning kisses and laid back fun of not having anywhere I have to be right at this moment. Just letting my kids be themselves and be safe and secure in their home. This is the joy of a life as a homemaker. It's a tough job most days and the down time doesn't last very long in the mornings, but it is pretty darn awesome while it does.
And I really don't want to forget all these priceless gems that spill from the kids mouths. I don't want to miss any of them. Like when I am on the phone and Scooter runs up to me and asks who I am talking to. If it's anyone other than one of his grandmothers he says 'Then you're yakking!' If it's the grandma's he'll say 'Then you're not yakking!' He is constantly telling me that I was just 'yakking and yakking' on the phone. Wonder where he learned that phrase from? (As my husband snickers to himself!)
Last night when I wasn't feeling well and crawled in bed to watch tv and go to sleep early, they both snuggled in with me and gave me tons of kisses to make me feel better. I couldn't really hear my programs over Riley asking repeatedly if there were shooting guns in every show, but I didn't really care either.
Later today, when one or both of the kids is cranky or moody or ornery and they are having a meltdown or fighting over a toy or crying because I didn't put the right shoes on their feet or pour the milk in the right cup - it will be hard to remember this feeling, this peace. I will be ready to pull my hair out and scream and run away for a five minute break. I will wonder again what the heck I am doing and why. I will have to try and remember the sweetness, the joy. Sometimes it's difficult in those crazy moments, but every morning it all starts over again. Every night, they are sweet and snuggly again before they go to bed. Every morning brings me the reminder that it's all worth it.
Thanks and God Bless!
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